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Look good AND feel good by trusting a sustainable salon for all your hairdressing needs.

Did you know the hairdressing industry is one of the biggest environmental polluters? From the sheer volume of waste that isn’t recycled properly to the wide range of untreated chemicals used in haircare that enter our surroundings, there are plenty of issues in this industry that can leave behind a negative environmental impact. As hairdressers, this places us in a unique position to model environmentally friendly practices in our salon while helping you, our valued clients, make greener choices that don’t just ensure the future sustainability of the planet but help you save money too.

Grace Gold & Sustainable Salons

The future of our planet is important to everyone at Grace Gold. So, we’ve joined Sustainable Salons to minimize our salon’s footprint, making sure 100% of our waste is recycled and redirected away from landfills. How does it work?

  • All plastics are collected, cleaned & repurposed, keeping it away from our oceans and landfills!
  • Salon metals (including foil) and paper are sold for recycling (all proceeds go to Oz Harvest and Kiwi Harvest to provide meals for people in need).
  • Hair collected from salon floors is stuffed into stockings to create Hair Booms” that can be used to help clean oil spills along the coastline, or also repurposed for composting in community gardens.
  • Donated ponytails (20cm or longer) go to charitable organizations that create wigs for patients suffering from cancer or alopecia.
  • Chemicals are collected and sent to chemical recycling plants to be neutralized into recycled water used in construction, preventing untreated chemicals from entering the environment.

Look your best while helping our environment

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The Importance of Sustainability in Hairdressing

With climate change on the rise, we believe in doing our part. The hairdressing industry leaves behind a large carbon footprint, with some of the biggest issues being:

  • Improper disposal of waste products (such as cotton wool, plastic bottles, foils, tissues etc.) that end up in landfills and the environment.
  • Hazardous chemicals such as hair dyes, bleaches, peroxides and other hair styling agents are exposed to our surroundings without being treated first.
  • Using appliances with poor sustainability and energy ratings leads to high energy consumption and frequent water wastage during washing and rinsing.

Any waste that isn’t recycled or reused has to go somewhere, and it usually ends up going to a landfill.Australia has around 600 officially registered landfills, but as many as 2000 unregistered ones. Not only are these sites rapidly growing in size and our planet rapidly running out of space to accommodate them, but they also release hazardous gases that are major contributors to climate change.

What we throw away matters more than we realize, and this is why we’ve partnered with Sustainable Salons. To minimize our carbon footprint and lay all these issues to rest, at least within Grace Gold and among the lives of our clients.

Animal Cruelty Free

We’re strictly against animal testing (if our resident pups at Grace Gold weren’t proof enough). As advocates of cruelty-free products, we use Keune retail and Evo colour (which is both cruelty-free AND vegan!) for our hairdressing services. Keune is a family owned company in the Netherlands and ANZIS, that prides themselves on upholding strong ethical standards when it comes to manufacturing their products. We can help you achieve all your hair goals with products that aren’t just of a high quality, but safe too.

Eco Heads

Did you know the average salon basin uses 150 gallons each day? Eco Heads are the first of its kind to provide lower water consumption WITH improved water pressure. While using 65% less water than regular non-water-saving showerheads, this showerhead doubles on water pressure to cut rinse time in half!

Eco Heads aren’t just the more sustainable choice for us, they also help us give our clients a softer, smoother finish to their hair by introducing negative ions to the water stream. Negative ions are capable of softening water, introducing more moisture to your hair while smoothening out the hair shaft.

Want to look your best while knowing you’ve done your best for the environment? We don’t just offer sustainable hairdressing services and products at Grace Gold but we’ll also help you make all the right choices when it comes to future hair care and maintenance.