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Hair Loss 101: Common Causes and Easy Solutions

Worried about your thinning hair? Hair loss is actually a common problem many of us face. But the most important thing to remember is that it is normal to experience a certain amount of hair fall — unless your hair starts falling at an alarming rate! But don’t freak out because there are simple and effective things we can recommend trying to slow down your hair loss. 

So here’s what you need to know!

What are the factors that contribute to hair loss? 

Hormonal Imbalance 

Hormones play a major role in regulating the hair growth cycle. When the production of hair-friendly hormones like oestrogen and progesterone is reduced due to pregnancy changes, childbirth, menopause, or thyroid conditions, it can trigger hair loss. 

Stress levels

It’s no myth; stress can actually affect hair growth. What happens is that high-stress levels increase stress hormones, which will then shut down certain processes like hair growth and the natural production of oils. However, once your stress levels return to normal, hair loss will slow down. The only way about this is to incorporate stress coping techniques that will help you relax!

Vitamin and iron deficiencies 

Inconsistent diets and poor nutrition can also lead to hair fall. This is because your scalp doesn’t get the nourishment it needs, which ultimately means your strands suffer. Visiting a nutritionist to figure out if you have any nutritional deficiencies may help if you experience unnatural hair fall. 

Now you know some of the major factors that trigger hair loss. Here’s how you can deal with it. 

How to prevent hair loss? 

Follow a well-balanced diet

Change up your diet to meet the vitamin, protein, iron and zinc requirements your hair needs. Make it a point to include lean proteins like tuna and plain Greek yoghurt, fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains, and healthy fats. 

Take supplements

Lack of nutrients means more hair fall. So, consider taking supplements to boost the levels of vitamins and minerals available to your follicles to improve the health of your hair. 

Avoid tying your hair too tight 

Ponytails and pulled-back hair may look chic and sleek, but they can cause stress and damage to your hair follicles. Avoid pulling back your hair too tight, and make it a point to switch your hairstyle and change how you part your hair now and then to reduce hair loss. 

We recommend trying the above steps if you’re looking for home remedies to help with your hair loss. We also have several treatments and hair masks at Grace Gold that can help give your hair a nutritional boost and some much needed TLC. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment!

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