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Woman with Tangled Hair

5 Tips To Prevent Your Hair From Tangling

Does your hair get tangled often? If you’re wondering why this happens, it usually depends on a number of factors- including the texture of your hair, how healthy it is, how often you brush it etc. If your hair is dry, thick and not brushed frequently, it’s more likely to get tangled. Tangled hair isn’t just a pain to clear up, however. It can also severely damage your hair and scalp! While you can’t prevent this completely, here are some ways you can reduce tangling of hair:

Always apply conditioner

Never skip conditioner after you rinse out shampoo from your hair. Conditioner serves to restore and retain the moisture in your hair. By leaving the conditioner in for as long as possible, this makes your hair far more smoother and easier to brush.

Don’t brush when hair is wet

Brushing hair when wet is a lot more damaging than you may realize! By doing so you’re stretching out and weakening your hair- this can make you more prone to damage and tangles in the long term. We recommend air-drying your hair before setting a comb to those knots!

Use a wide-tooth comb

Your hairbrush can cause quite a bit of damage to your hair. Instead, you can opt for a wide-tooth comb, which are known to cause the least amount of damage and prevent knots from forming. We recommend working your way up from the bottom to the roots and doing so in sections.

Don’t sleep with your hair loose

Tossing and turning in your sleep with loose hair is a definite way to get your hair tangled. Ideally, you’d have your hair lightly braided or tied up in a loose bun before you go to sleep. You can also try investing in silk pillowcases, which are known to create less friction and lessen chances of tangles!

Try a hair mask

If you want to keep your hair looking and feeling extra healthy, you can try adding hair masks to your grooming routine, at least once a week or every other week! The results will leave your hair enjoying a boost in nutrients as well as looking more hydrated.

Want to nourish your hair with professional treatment? The team at Grace Gold are here to help! Simply call us at 03 9381 1793 to schedule your appointment!

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