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4 Home Remedies To Tackle Dry Hair!

We know dry hair is one of most frustrating issues our clients face. Dry hair doesn’t absorb or hold sufficient dampness to keep a brilliant glow. More often than not this isn’t a permanent situation, however. At Grace Gold, we won’t just help you get rid of dry hair, but we’ll help you understand WHY you’re having it so you can prevent it in the future! Common causes as to why you may have dry hair include:

  • Lack of nutrients
  • Exposure to the sun
  • Over-utilization of styling tools
  • Excessive hair washing
  • Exposure to chlorinated water

With the right steps and dedication to a proper routine, you can restore your hair and give it that lovely sheen you’ve been longing for. Here are some home remedies (and quirky tips!) we’ve found to give results that you can try out at home:

1. Hot oil treatment

Olive oil is one of the most well known home solutions for dry hair. Apart from this, some other great alternatives you can try are coconut oil, almond oil and castor oil. These oils are rich in vitamin E and plenty of other nutrients. Regular hot oil treatment will help seal your hair’s cuticles, helping strengthen your hair while locking moisture in. 

2. Hair care products specific to your hair type

You should opt for more gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and hair conditioners. You can visit us for a consultation to receive product suggestions that will be perfect for your specific hair type, and give you the results you’re looking for. Another tip to try is shampooing less regularly, for instance, just once or twice a week.

3. Using beer as hair conditioner

This is a strange one, but beer has been proven to be good for your hair since it’s loaded with proteins that strengthen and nourish damaged hair. Wondering how to go about this? Simply use a spray bottle to get a couple of sprays in after shampooing your hair to avoid any lingering smell.

4. Applying an avocado paste

Avocado is rich in vitamins A and E, immersed fats, and minerals, which all tackle damaged and dry hair,  helping with saturating and strengthening it. To make an avocado mixture for your hair, crush a ripe avocado, mix it with one egg and apply the paste to wet hair for 20 minutes before washing it off.

The right hair care routine, coupled with a healthy diet, is essential to maintaining luscious hair. You can also visit us for more restorative, professional treatments including carefully curated masks and keratin treatment options designed to revive hair. 

Call now to make an appointment with our best hairdressers and receive only the best treatment for your hair!

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