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5 Ways to Maintain Long Hair

Here at Grace Gold, we want our loyal customers to be able to take care of their hair on their own! If you have long hair, you know very well the struggle of maintaining it. With the constant battle of knots, split ends, and hair fall, it often feels like a huge hassle to look after long hair. Unlike short hair, long hair requires a completely different routine and much more effort when it comes to maintenance. We’ve put together some tips you can try in order to make sure you are putting the most into maintaining your beautiful long hair to keep it in its best possible health.

Choose The Right Brush

Often brushes with fine bristles may be harmful as they cause too much friction if you have long hair, which ends up damaging your hair further. This will lead to pulling out your individual hairs in every stroke of the brush. Opting for a wide-tooth comb or brushes with boar bristles is a better choice.

Hydrate Your Hair Regularly 

Treatments such as hair masks, deep conditioning, and oil treatments that will hydrate your hair are very important. Long hair in particular tends to get dry and damaged easily, especially when you use heat to style it. Therefore, it’s very important to make sure your hair follicles are moisturized regularly (at least once a week).

Don’t Towel Dry

Towel drying your hair is the most common habit we all tend to have, however, cotton towels tend to cause a significant amount of damage, frizzy hair and hair loss. Instead, use a hair wrap or a t-shirt that simply slicks moisture off your hair without scrubbing at your hair. Satin, which has always been your hair and skin’s best friend, is another amazing replacement for this. People often use satin pillowcases to maintain their hair to look silky and protect their skin at all times. 

Get Regular Trim

If you have had long hair for a while, you would have realized that split ends become a huge problem. Your hair growth can get severely affected by split ends and often makes your hair appear dull and thin. An appointment with a hair salon once every 8-12 weeks is the best way to maintain your beautiful long hair without split ends ruining it. For this, you can make an appointment with us at Grace Gold for your routine trim for your hair. 

Shampoo The Correct Way

Shampooing your hair every day especially if you have long hair is a no-no. A schedule of washing your hair every third day is the best option for you. Although if you do any strenuous activities such as working out every day and you have to shower daily, opting for a simple rinse rather than using shampoo is better. As your ends are often dry, sticking to shampooing your scalp will prevent shampoo from drying out your ends further. You can even try salon shampoos rather than the regular shampoos you find in your supermarkets as they can protect your long hair better.

Small changes in your habits like the ones listed are simple enough to make a change in how your hair looks. Long hair is gorgeous but it isn’t the easiest to look after, but it definitely is worth it. If you’d like a haircut or consultation, or simply hair care product recommendations, call us or visit us at Grace Gold and we’ll make sure all your hair needs are sorted!

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